Friday, September 14, 2018
11:40 am
Eye SIGHT is overrated
What you see can be deceiving
What you hear is far more reliable, but listen.
What you feel is TRUER than the words people curate
to get you to SEE what they want you to see.
Eye sight is overrated
Tell me what you feel not what you SEE
What you see is what you get…
that’s a pretty little lie,
wrapped up and disguised as vulnerability;
we've been believing it for far too long.
Ah but take heed: Watch your SIGHT it can be an OVERSIGHT
Eyesight is overrated
LISTEN | FEEL instead.
Truth is always present.
Shhhhh Listen….
Follow me to the blind spot so I can
FEEL who you really are
Eye sight is overrated.
Author: Lucinda Marie