Have you ever stopped to think how amazing and abundant this universe is? How the galaxies were formed? How Planet Earth revolves around the sun? How the sun is the largest star in the universe and how without it, we have no life?
How it illuminates the moon at night? How the moons cycles affect our planets tidal waves and all those who inhabit it? How its infused energy has the power to destroy planes that awaken humanity? How money is just energy? How when you circulate it with divine responsibility, it grows to infinity!
How we were not created to just pay bills and die. How we get to wake up with our miraculous breathe every morning, with so much gratitude to be alive. How our free will allows us to live without conditions, limitations, or restrictions. How we have the ability to love and create, so that our bodies may regenerate. How when you awaken to your divinity, you realize that your life is guided, protected, and limitless!
Author: Rebecca Muñoz